Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) correlations for Secondary Biology
Lesson, Quiz, and Practice #1. The student is expected to...
12B interpret interactions among organisms.
12D identify and illustrate that survival of species
may be dependent on resource availability
12E explain the interactions in an ecosystem
3 use critical thinking and scientific problem solving
to make decisions
and Wildlife Lesson, Quiz #2 and #3 and Practice #2. The student is
expected to ...
12C compare adaptations of plants and animals in different
13A evaluate the significance of structural and physiological
adaptations of plants
13B identify methods of reproduction, growth, and
development of plants
3 use critical thinking and scientific problem solving
to make decisions
Over Time Lesson, Quiz and Practice #3. The student is expected to...
7A identify evidence of change using fossils
3 use critical thinking and scientific problem solving
to make decisions
Using Dichotomous Keys. The student is expected to.....
8 know the applications of taxonomy
8A classify organisms using a dichotomous key