From the Desk of....... Diana Carpenter



About Mrs. Carpenter

2004 Field Day

Trans-Pecos Ecological Field Trip & Online Lessons

Research In the 21st Century Lesson




Contact Carpenter

Chelle's E-portfolio

Video Projects

Home 4-sale


!!!! New !!!! Carpenter Science Blog ----- "Let's Talk Science" <click on the scrolling announcment to post a comment - don't worry it'll come around again>


The links all work, but I am still organizing this site.

I am trying to create an e-Portfolio of all of my computer-based technology projects AND lessons. But, over the years I've saved everything "here and there" which has made this project a little more tedious than I expected.

The "Research In the 21st Century" and WebQuest lessons still have a lot of work because in between resurrecting some old lessons, I'm also adding some new. There are missing files, missing links, and missing floppy disks,etc. Well, you know how that goes. I feel like I am refurbishing an antique piece of furniture. And if my internet connection doesn't stop hiccupping, I hope to finish by the end of summer, though the 'Classes' link will remain ongoing.

Oh, and the house for sale? Well it's not (anymore), but it was such a pretty website that I thought I'd include in my e-Portfolio.

