From the Desk of....... Diana Carpenter



About Mrs. Carpenter

2004 Field Day

Trans-Pecos Ecological Field Trip & Online Lessons

Research In the 21st Century Lesson




Contact Carpenter

Chelle's E-portfolio

Video Projects

Home 4-sale


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In 2001, Diana (Dena) Carpenter finished her technology certification from the University of North Texas's Computer Education and Cognitive Systems Program and the UNT Graduate School.

In addition, Dena received the Master of Science Degree in 1995 from New Mexico State University
and the Bachelor of Science from Arkansas State University in 1993.

She serves as Science Department Head and has been at Fort Stockton High School since
1996. She belongs to the McDonald Observatory Education Advisory Board, participated in state Exit Level Science TAKS committees, and belongs to the following organizations:

  • STAT - Science Teacher's Association of Texas
  • TABT - Texas Association of Biology Teachers
  • ATPE - Association of Texas Professional Educators
  • TCEA - Texas Computer Education Association

Her husband, Dr. Bruce Carpenter (Associate Professor, Texas A & M, District Cooperative Extension Office, Ft. Stockton) has been her biggest supporter during her education tenure, and as she built a career to it's fullest potential culminating in the Secondary Science Educator of the Year Award by the Science Teachers Association of Texas (STAT) in 2002. She is parent to a 21-yr-old daughter and an 8 yr. old bonus son.

Texas SBEC Certifications:

  • Technology Applications (Grades 8-12)
  • Composite Science (Grades 8-12)
  • Secondary Biology (Grades 6-12)


Resume & Curriculum Vitae

Carpenter Named Outstanding Texas Science Teacher 2002

Texas A & M News Release

Serve & Learn Grant Announcement

McDonald Observatory Article